Drawstring Bag

Drawstring Bag $5.00

Dynamos colours

All players are requested to wear their dynamos socks at all games. Extra socks can be purchased for $10.00 per pair. Please contact Lisa Baker (details are on the commitee page). We also have  Dynamos Jackets for sale. These warm, comfortable jackets are embroided with our sponsors and are in the dynamos colours.  Photo's of all of our items are on our merchandise page including our new Dynamos luggage/kit bags.

Behind The Scenes

To keep a club such as ours working so efficiently there are many people behind the scenes working tirelessly. The committee at Dynamos JSC need more volunteers, if you can help out in any way, please come to our next meeting, contact one of our friendly committee members or fill in the Volunteeers Form here.


Email Address

Thank you to all families that have supplied us with your email address, this makes contacting you with important information easy. If you are yet to give us your address or your email changes during the year please contact our secretary so your details can be updated